Seasonal recipe: summertime smoothie
Nach einer kleinen Verschnaufpause meldet sich der Sommer zurück: Grund genug, sich mit unserem leckeren Smoothie-Rezept für heiße Tage zu wappnen. Es ist exotisch, erfrischend und noch dazu gesund – kurzum: die ideale Abkühlung für Sommertage. Mix it and enjoy!
This smoothie makes a healthy and refreshing drink in hot weather. Coconut water is trendy and its popularity means you can buy it at all major supermarkets, including discounters. If you can’t find any in your local supermarket or don’t want to use it, you can use milk, buttermilk, plant milk, or even water, instead. However, coconut water is what gives the smoothie its “summertime” taste.
In the warmer months it’s especially nice to drink your smoothie cold, so freeze either your berries or banana (cut into smaller pieces) beforehand. Adding the frozen fruit will also make the smoothie thick.
Instructions: Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix till fully blended.
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Ingredients for 4 servings:
- 500ml coconut water
- 1 banana
- 1 large handful of berries (raspberries, blueberries, and/or other seasonal berries)
- 2 large handfuls of spinach
seasonal saisonal — refreshing erfrischend — coconut water Kokoswasser — to be trendy voll im Trend liegen — popularity Beliebtheit — major groß — discounter Billiganbieter — plant milk Pflanzenmilch — to freeze (ein)frieren — either … or … entweder …, oder … — beforehand davor — to make thick etw. andicken — instructions Anweisungen; h.: Zubereitung — ingredients Zutaten — blender Mixer — to blend mixen; h.: pürieren — serving Portion — raspberry Himbeere — blueberry Heidelbeere — spinach Spinat
| Photo: Pixabay