The 2017 general election in the UK
Premierministerin Theresa May hat die Neuwahl ausgerufen, um ihre Position zu stärken. So wie erwartet lief es leider nicht. Was passiert jetzt?
By Rebecca Kaplan
The general election of 9 June 2017 resulted in a hung Parliament. That means that no party won the 326 seats they need for a majority (Mehrheit) in the House of Commons.
Here are some fast facts about the election:
- Conservative Theresa May is still Prime Minister

- She says she won’t step down
- May says she will form a minority government with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party: together, the two parties have 328 seats
- The Labour Party, headed by Jeremy Corbyn, also wants to form a minority government

- The Conservative party is allowed to try to form a government first, as it was the government in power before the election
- If the Conservative party cannot form a government by 13 June, May will probably step down, and the Labour party gets to try
- No matter what happens, Brexit talks are likely to become even more difficult, as now no party has a majority
Read more about the general election in the July 2017 issue of World and Press!
| Title Photo: Daniel Sorabji/AFP/Getty Images