Englisch lernen

Lost in translation: eventually and actually

By Katrin Günther

A number of English words look very similar to German words but have completely different meanings. Because they are misleading when you are translating, these words are known as “false friends”.

Two common false friends are eventually and actually. At first glance, you might think eventually means eventuell, but in fact, the German equivalent is schließlich, letzten Endes, später. Similarly, actually doesn’t mean aktuell, but tatsächlich, eigentlich, in Wirklichkeit.

The German word eventuell can be translated into English as possibly, potentially, perhaps.

  • Ich gehe heute Nachmittag eventuell einkaufen.
  • Perhaps I’ll go shopping this afternoon.

 English equivalents of aktuell are currently, latest or in fashion.

  • Hier sind die aktuellen Nachrichten.
  • Here is the latest news.


| Photo: Pixabay