Recipe: Coronation quiche
Nicht nur eine feierliche Zeremonie und eine Prozession gehören zu einer britischen Krönung dazu – traditionellerweise wird auch ein neues königliches Gericht kreiert. Anlässlich der Krönung Charles III. und Camillas wird eine Krönungs-Quiche aufgetischt. Die britische Bevölkerung ist dazu eingeladen, diese bei einem „Coronation Big Lunch“ im Rahmen der vielen Straßenpartys am 7. Mai, dem Tag nach der Krönung, zu servieren. Und auch Sie können die Quiche zu Hause nachbacken und königlich speisen.
1 In the UK, a royal dish is traditionally created for the coronation of a new king or queen. 70 years after the world-famous “Coronation Chicken” was created for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, King Charles III and Queen Camilla have chosen a quiche as their coronation dish. It is supposed to be served during the Coronation Big Lunch on May 7, when people all across the UK will get together for street parties to celebrate the new king and queen.
2 A quiche is a French dish, but the Coronation quiche uses typically English ingredients like beans, spinach and cheddar cheese. It can be served hot or cold, and it’s best with a side of boiled potatoes or green salad. To make it vegetarian, just use butter instead of lard for the pastry.
3 Ingredients for six servings:
For the pastry
125g flour
Pinch of salt
25g cold butter, diced
25g lard (or butter)
2 tablespoons milk
Or 250g block of ready-made shortcrust pastry
For the filling
125ml milk
175ml double cream
2 medium eggs
1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
100g cheddar, grated
180g cooked spinach, lightly chopped
60g cooked broad beans or soya beans
4 STEP 1: Sieve the flour into a bowl with a pinch of salt. Add the butter (and lard). Using your fingertips, rub the mixture together until it’s sandy and breadcrumb-like. Add the milk, a little at a time, and, using your hands, mix everything into a smooth dough. Cover and put in the fridge for 30 to 45 minutes.
5 STEP 2: Put a 20 cm tart tin on a baking sheet. Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the pastry to a circle that’s a little larger than the top of the tin and about 5 mm thick. Put the pastry circle into the tin and press it into the corners. Make sure there are no holes because then the filling could leak. Cover and put in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190 °C/170 °C fan/gas 5.
6 STEP 3: Cut a circle of greaseproof paper larger than the tin and place it in the pastry case. Fill with baking beans or uncooked rice and bake blind for 15 minutes. Remove the greaseproof paper and baking beans. Reduce the oven temperature to 160 °C/140 °C fan/gas 3.
7 STEP 4: Mix the milk, cream, eggs and herbs with some seasoning. Scatter half of the grated cheese on the baked pastry, top with the chopped spinach and beans, then evenly pour over the liquid mixture. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese. Put in the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes until lightly golden.
Adapted from:
0–2 coronation Krönung — to create kreieren — to be supposed to do etw. tun sollen — ingredient Zutat — spinach Spinat — with a side of … mit … als Beilage — vegetarian vegetarisch — lard Schmalz — pastry Teig
3 serving Portion — flour Mehl — pinch of salt Prise Salz — diced gewürfelt — tablespoon Esslöffel — ready-made Fertig- — shortcrust pastry Mürbeteig — double cream Schlagsahne — chopped gehackt — tarragon Estragon — grated gerieben — broad bean Saubohne
4 to sieve sieben — fingertip Fingerspitze — to rub reiben — breadcrumb-like wie Brotkrümel — a little at a time nach und nach — smooth glatt — dough Teig — to cover abdecken
5 tart tin Tarteform — baking sheet Backpapier — to flour mit Mehl bestäuben — working surface Arbeitsfläche — to press andrücken — hole Loch — to leak auslaufen — to preheat vorheizen
6 greaseproof paper Pergamentpapier — to place legen — pastry case Teigboden — baking beans Backbohnen — to bake blind blind backen — to remove entfernen
7 herbs Kräuter — seasoning Würze (Salz und Pfeffer) — to scatter streuen — evenly gleichmäßig — to pour over darübergießen — liquid flüssig — to sprinkle bestreuen
Photo: Picture Alliance