Debating Matters Championship
An der University of Applied Sciences Europe ging es am 28. Februar hoch her: Bei den Debating Matters Championships 2019 wurden schlagkräftige Argumente ausgetauscht und mitreißende Debatten geführt. Als Sieger ging das Team des Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasiums hervor. Zusätzlich zu Ruhm und Ehre gab es ein Jahresabo Premium der World and Press.
By Siobhan Bruns
A year’s subscription to World and Press for Bertha von Suttner Gymnasium, winners of the Debating Matters 2019 championship!
The Debating Matters Competition has been held in Berlin since 2015. This year the debates took place at the University of Applied Sciences Europe. Twelve schools from across the city fiercely competed for the title of ‘Champions 2019’. Bertha von Suttner Gymnasium emerged victorious after a well-fought final debate. World and Press has rewarded the winning team with a premium subscription to our newspaper for one year. Congratulations team! And, considering World and Press had articles about almost every topic debated this year, now that you have our newspaper, you’ll probably win next year, too : )
Read more about this year’s championship on the official Debating Matters Championship website.
| Image: Pixabay