Thanksgiving recipe: pumpkin pie
Kein Herbst ohne Kürbisrezept, kein Thanksgiving ohne Kürbiskuchen! Was wäre die Saison der leuchtenden Farben ohne diesen Klassiker der amerikanischen Kuchentafel? Fangen Sie die Herbststimmung in einer Backform ein und probieren Sie unser Rezept für Kürbiskuchen!
By Siobhan Bruns
It’s a staple of autumn cuisine!
An American national holiday celebrated since 1863, Thanksgiving was initially a harvest festival. As the name implies, it is a celebration of crops harvested at or around the time of the festival. Squash, turnip, parsnip, potato, and Brussels sprout are among the crops that grace American tables every year on the fourth Thursday in November. But one crop stands out as the symbol of autumn in the US: the pumpkin. And no Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without a pumpkin pie. This recipe is quite easy to make but you’ll need to set aside a lot of time to allow things to cool.
1. Pre-heat the oven to 190 degrees C. Cut the pumpkin in half and scrape out the insides. Place the two halves face down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper that has been lightly oiled. Roast the pumpkin for 40 minutes or until you can easily pierce the skin with a fork.
2. Let the pumpkin cool until you can handle it and then scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Puree the flesh in a food processor, with a hand blender or simply hand mash it until it’s very smooth.
3. Optional: You can blind bake (pre-bake) your pastry shell if you like your crust to be a bit firmer or you can skip this step. To blind bake the pastry shell, preheat the oven to 205 degrees C. Put your chilled dough in a pie pan, cover with parchment paper and fill with dry beans or pie weights. The weights on the bottom will keep the pie from puffing up and the weights against the sides will keep the sides from sagging as the crust bakes. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully remove the parchment paper and weights. Return to oven for another 5 to 7 minutes to allow the bottom of the pastry shell to cook a bit. Remove from oven and let cool.
4. In a large bowl, add the ingredients one after the other, stirring well after each addition. First slightly beat eggs in the bowl then add the brown sugar, flour, salt, 2 cups (450g) of the pumpkin puree, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and evaporated milk. Pour mixture into the pie shell.
5. Place a strip of aluminum foil around the edge of the crust to prevent it from getting too brown. Bake for 10 minutes at 230 degrees C. Remove the aluminum foil and lower the oven temperature to 175 degrees C. Bake an additional 50 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Allow the pie to cool completely. Refrigerating the pie overnight will enhance the flavor.
pumpkin pie Kürbiskuchen — initially anfänglich — to imply andeuten — harvest festival Erntefest; s.w.u. to harvest ernten — cropFeldfrucht — squash Kürbis — turnip Steckrübe — parsnip Pastinak — Brussels sprout Rosenkohl — to grace zieren — to set asidebeiseitelegen; h.: einplanen — to pre-heat vorheizen — to cut in half halbieren — to scrape out herauskratzen — insides h.: Kerne und weiche Fasern — face down h.: mit der Schnittfläche nach unten — baking sheet Backblech — to line auslegen — parchment paperBackpapier — to roast rösten — to pierce durchstechen — skin Schale — to scoop out (mit e-m Löffel) entfernen — flesh Fruchtfleisch — to puree pürieren — food processor Küchenmaschine — hand blender Stabmixer — to hand mash mit der Hand zerdrücken — to blind bake blindbacken — to pre-bake vorbacken — pastry shell Boden — chilled gekühlt — dough Teig — pie pan Tarteform — weights Gewichte — to puff up Luftblasen schlagen — to sag zus.fallen — to stir verrühren — cinnamon Zimt — ginger Ingwer — nutmeg Muskatnuss — evaporated milk Kondensmilch — to pour gießen — aluminum foil (AE) Aluminiumfolie — toothpick Zahnstocher — to insert hineinstecken — to refrigerate kalt stellen — to enhance verbessern
Ingredients for one pie
1 small pumpkin, such as a sugar pie pumpkin or a Hokkaido
1 store-bought round, 32cm quiche and pie pastry dough (chilled)
2 eggs
1 cup (225g) brown sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 can (340g) evaporated milk
pumpkin Kürbis — store-bought pie pastry dough Tarte-Fertigteig — brown sugar brauner Zucker — tablespoon Esslöffel — teaspoonTeelöffel — ground cinnamon Zimt gemahlen — ground ginger Ingwer gemahlen — ground nutmeg Muskatnuss gemahlen — evaporated milk Kondensmilch
| Photo: Picture Alliance