An Instagrammer’s paradise: the selfie museum
Der Selfie-Trend wird vor allem durch Social Media-Plattformen wie Instagram unterstützt. Mittlerweile gibt es sogar eigene Museen, in denen Fans der Selbstporträts vor bunten Hintergründen posieren können. In der Februar-Ausgabe der Read On finden Sie einen Artikel zu diesem Trend, hier gibt es einen kurzen Einblick in das Thema und eine kleine Übung zum Text.
By Franziska Lange and Siobhan Bruns
New exhibitions let visitors take many, many selfies in colourful settings.
1 Posting on social media is a large part of many people’s daily lives and a lot of those posts are selfies. But with so many selfies being posted all the time, what’s the best way to make yours stand out? Perhaps an imaginative setting and bright, bold colours might do the trick. Now there’s a paradise for those who are looking for the next perfect shot for their Instagram account: selfie museums.
2 Selfie museums cater to the Instagram generation because they have wacky props and eye-catching settings for taking photos. The different settings, or exhibits, range from ball pits in neon colours, to the inside of an airplane – pink coloured, of course. Props include objects such as fake donuts, vintage payphones, flamingos, oversized golden jelly bears, and even cars. These interactive “museums” are often pop-up exhibitions that stay in one place for a few months then move on to a new city.
3 For instance, the Museum of Ice Cream, now in Los Angeles, was in New York City in 2016. Since being in LA, the exhibition with candy-themed backdrops has attracted famous visitors including Katy Perry and Beyoncé. Many of the selfies taken at that exhibition were posted on social media, which in turn promoted the museum, and probably made the idea of selfie museums in general more popular.
0–1 exhibition Ausstellung — setting Kulisse — to stand out auffallen — imaginative fantasievoll —bright leuchtend — bold kräftig — … might do the trick (coll) … helfen vielleicht dabei — shot Foto
2 to cater to s.o. genau auf jds. Bedürfnisse eingestellt sein — wacky (coll) verrückt — prop Requisite — eye-catching auffällig — exhibit Ausstellungsstück — to range from … to reichen von … bis — ball pit Bällebad — inside Inneres — vintage Retro- — payphone Telefonzelle — oversized überdimensional — jelly bear Gummibärchen
3 for instance zum Beispiel — candy-themed mit Süßigkeitenmotiven — backdrop Hintergrund — to attract anziehen — in turn im Gegenzug; h.: gleichzeitig
Photo: Getty Images
solution word: Instagram