70 years of Read On: TV now and then in the April issue
Man sieht es ihr nicht an, aber die Read On wird dieses Jahr 70! Dieses Jubiläum nehmen wir zum Anlass, auf die vergangenen sieben Jahrzehnte zurückzublicken. Dazu stöbern wir in unseren Archiven und veröffentlichen jeden Monat im Jahr 2023 einen Artikel aus einer Read-On-Ausgabe der letzten 70 Jahre. Da die Read On aber noch lange nicht old school ist, gibt es dazu einen frischen, neuen Blick auf das Thema aus dem Hier und Jetzt – ganz new school. In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On geht es um das Fernsehen früher und heute. Lesen Sie hier Auszüge aus den beiden Artikeln.
Television is Conquering Home and School
1 “Young children now have three parents, Daddy, Mummy – and ‘Telly,’ which often has more influence on them than Mum or Dad.” That is what an English teacher said about the growing importance of television. In Britain and America, TV belongs to a home just as chairs, beds, and the refrigerator do. More and more people in other countries like to watch television. It is guessed that over 200 million people a week see television movies in the United States and Great Britain. Ten years ago, there were only 20 TV-stations and 250,000 sets in use across the U.S.A. Now there are more than 540 TV-stations and 47 million sets.
2 Ten years ago, Saturday night was the time for the American family’s trip to the cinema. There was such a rush that often the family wouldn’t be able to find four seats. Today the size of the cinema audience has been cut in half. Cinemas that once had continuous shows are open only in the evenings – some just at weekends. Other picture-houses have closed. The film-makers in Hollywood say they are going to make better films which will bring people back to the cinemas. More than 200 feature films will be made in 1958.
Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
0–1 television (TV) Fernsehen, Bildfunk — to conquer s.th. etw. erobern — Telly = television (coll) — influence Einfluss — importance Bedeutung, Wichtigkeit — refrigerator Eis-, Kühlschrank — movie Film, Bildstreifen — set Apparat, Gerät — across … in den gesamten …
2 rush Andrang — audience Publikum — continuous show fortlaufende Vorführung — picture-house Lichtspielhaus — Hollywood bekannte Filmstadt in Kalifornien mit rund 250 Filmgesellschaften — feature film Spielfilm
Young people watch less and less TV
Television is getting competition from streaming services, short videos and gaming platforms.
By Franziska Lange
1 Traditional television is no longer popular with young people. That’s what Ofcom, the UK’s broadcasting and telecommunications regulator, writes in a new report. It’s streaming services and short-form videos – videos less than ten minutes long – that they are watching now.
2 Ofcom found that young people watch almost seven times less TV than those aged 65 or older. While the older age group watches almost six hours of TV each day on average, 16- to 24-year-olds spend 53 minutes in front of the telly. Over the past ten years, this number has gone down by two-thirds in the younger age group.
3 Ofcom says the generation gap is wider than ever before. Ian Macrae, Ofcom’s director of market intelligence, told the BBC, “The streaming revolution is […] creating a stark divide in the viewing habits of younger and older people.” Nine in ten people aged 18 to 24 say they don’t check TV when they look for something to watch; they go straight to streaming services.
Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
0–2 competition Konkurrenz — gaming platform Videospielplattform — broadcasting and telecommunications regulator Medienaufsichtsbehörde — short-form kurzformatig — on average im Durchschnitt — telly (BE, coll) Fernseher — two thirds zwei Drittel
3 gap Lücke — director Leiter(in) — market intelligence Marktforschung(sabteilung) — stark divide große Kluft — viewing habits Sehgewohnheiten — straight direkt
Foto: Pixabay