70 years of Read On: JFK
Man sieht es ihr nicht an, aber die Read On wird dieses Jahr 70! Dieses Jubiläum nehmen wir zum Anlass, auf die vergangenen sieben Jahrzehnte zurückzublicken. Dazu stöbern wir in unseren Archiven und veröffentlichen jeden Monat im Jahr 2023 einen Artikel aus einer Read-On-Ausgabe der letzten 70 Jahre. Da die Read On aber noch lange nicht old school ist, gibt es dazu einen frischen, neuen Blick auf das Thema aus dem Hier und Jetzt – ganz new school. In diesem Monat jährt sich das Attentat auf den US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy zum 60. Mal. In einem neuen Buch werden die Geschehnisse dieses Tages noch einmal aufgerollt – einen Artikel darüber lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
A Tragedy for the World
1 The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, was a tragic, terrible blow for America. It was no less of a blow for the whole world.
2 President Kennedy was in Texas to gather support for his Civil Rights programme, which would guarantee equal rights and equal opportunities to all Americans without regard to race. Like Abraham Lincoln, nearly a hundred years ago, it cost him his life. He was the fourth President of the United States to be killed while in office. The three others were Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley.
3 To the world he will be remembered as the President who helped to bring the thaw in the cold war. This too had always been one of his main aims, and after the Cuban crisis of 1962 he was able to improve relations with Russia to such an extent that the partial nuclear test-ban treaty could be signed in August 1963.
Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
0–1 tragedy Tragödie, Unglück — assassination Ermordung — blow (Schicksals-)Schlag — no less of a blow kein geringerer Schlag
2 to gather support for Unterstützung gewinnen für — Civil Rights (pl.) Bürgerrechte; hier: die Gleichberechtigung d. Schwarzen in den USA — to guarantee garantieren — equal gleich — opportunities (pl.) Möglichkeiten, Chancen — without regard to ungeachtet (Gen.) — race Ethnie — Abraham Lincoln 1809–65; Präs.: 1861–65 — in office im Amt — James Abram Garfield 1831–1881; Präs.: 4. März bis 19. Sept. 1881 — William McKinley 1843–1901; Präs.: 1897–1901
3 thaw Tauwetter — Cuban crisis Kubakrise — relations with (pl.) Beziehungen; Verhältnis zu — extent Umfang, Ausmaß — partial nuclear test-ban treaty Abkommen über d. begrenzte Einstellung v. Kernwaffenversuchen, d. am 5.8.1963 von den Außenministern d. drei Vertragspartner unterzeichnet wurde (partial teilweise)
A new book about Kennedy’s assassination calls the official version into question
60 years after the president was shot, an eyewitness claims he had found the bullet.
By Siobhan Bruns
1 Days after President John F Kennedy was assassinated in an open-top car in Texas on November 22, 1963, the US government formed a commission to find out exactly what had happened.
2 The Warren Commission found that a man named Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone to assassinate Kennedy, and that the president was killed by a single bullet. These findings have proven controversial.
3 Some, including director Oliver Stone in his 1991 film JFK, have questioned whether Oswald really acted alone. It has been suggested that Oswald was the patsy for larger – perhaps even governmental – forces.
4 And what has come to be called “the single-bullet theory” has also been called into question. It assumes a single bullet killed the president and injured Texas Governor John Connally, who was also in the car.
5 Now, 60 years after the assassination took place, the official version of the event is once again being questioned. This time by an eyewitness who was there that day, Paul Landis.
Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
0–1 assassination Ermordung — to call s.th. into question etw. infrage stellen — eyewitness Augenzeuge(-in) — to claim behaupten — bullet Kugel — to assassinate s.o. jdn. ermorden — open-top car offener Wagen — to form s.th. etw. bilden; h.: einsetzen
2–5 to act handeln — findings Ergebnisse — to prove … sich als … erweisen — controversial umstritten — JFK dt. Titel: JFK – Tatort Dallas — to question infrage stellen — to suggest nahelegen — patsy (AE, coll) Sündenbock — governmental Regierungs- — forces Kräfte — to come to be called genannt werden — to assume davon ausgehen
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