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Butternut squash soup

Gesund und lecker schmeckt so eine Kürbissuppe eigentlich immer, doch erst im Herbst ist sie so richtig in Saison. Dieses Rezept aus English is Served ist ein echter Klassiker, denn das bewährte Süppchen erwärmt zuverlässig Herz, Geist und Magen – besonders nach einer belebenden Tour durch Wald und Flur. Dieses Rezept findet sich in der Oktober-Ausgabe von Read On. Viel Spaß beim Kochen!

By Rebecca Kaplan

This recipe calls for a large squash. If you use a smaller squash, just adjust your other ingredients accordingly (use less stock and a smaller onion).

Instructions: Preheat the oven to 220°C.

Using a very large, sharp knife, carefully cut your squash from top to bottom down the middle. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds.

Bake the squash for about half an hour, until it is soft enough to easily sink a fork into. Scoop out the insides and discard the skin.

Fry the onion in 250ml vegetable broth until transparent.

Add the squash and the rest of the stock. Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Add more vegetable stock if necessary.

Purée with a hand-held or a standing blender (if using a standing blender, allow the soup to cool off first before blending, and then reheat later). Add salt and pepper to taste and stir.

Serve it as is or with a dollop of sour cream on top.

Ingredients for 6–8 servings

One large butternut squash

One large onion

One liter vegetable stock

Sour cream (optional)

Salt and pepper

to call for s.th  etw. notwendig machen — to adjust (əˈdʒʌst) anpassen — accordingly (əˈkɔː.dɪŋ.li) entsprechend — stock Brühe; s.w.u. vegetable broth Gemüsebrühe — to preheat (ˌpriːˈhiːt) vorheizen — to scoop out ausschaben — to sink a fork into s.th. mit e-r Gabel in etw. hineinstechen — skin Haut — to simmer köcheln lassen — to purée (ˈpjʊə.reɪ) pürieren — hand-held blender Mixgerät — lid Deckel — to cool off abkühlen — to reheat (ˌriːˈhiːt) wieder anwärmen — to taste nach Belieben — to stir (stɜːr) rühren — dollop of sour cream (ˈdɒl.əp ; saʊr) ein Schlag saure Sahne — butternut squash Butternusskürbis — vegetable stock Gemüsebrühe — sour cream saure Sahne

For more delicious recipes see English Is Served!

| Photo: Pixabay