Is There Life on Venus?
Forscher haben in der Atmosphäre der Venus die Aminosäure Glycin gefunden, welche als einer der Bausteine für Leben gilt. In diesem Auszug aus der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On erfahren Sie mehr über den Fund auf dem Zwillingsplaneten der Erde. Anschließend können Sie Ihr Wissen und Ihren englischen Wortschatz rund um die Planeten und unser Sonnensystem in zwei Übungsaufgaben testen.
Scientists discover possible signs of microbial life in the atmosphere of Venus.
By Tim Brown
2 Often called Earth’s twin, Venus has a similar mass to Earth. It is also thought to have once been covered in water, which would have made it able to host life similar to Earth. However, as the Earth became more hospitable to life, Venus took a turn for the worst. And though it is named after the Roman goddess of beauty, conditions on the surface are anything but.
3 Unlike Earth, Venus has an atmosphere full of carbon dioxide and clouds which contain sulfuric acid. Because Venus is the second closest planet to the sun it also has surface temperatures averaging about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t melt on the surface, the pressure will certainly crush you, as it is about the same as being around 3,000 ft under water here on Earth.
4 So, it’s not surprising that scientists didn’t think this hot planet waslace where life could flourish. Now, a group of scientists have discovered a sort of calling card for life, even if they haven’t been able to collect actual samples.
5 This clue to life is a molecule called phosphine. It is made up of one phosphorous atom atop three hydrogen atoms much like a pyramid. According to scientists, this chemical is often associated with anaerobic life, or microbial life, that does not need oxygen to survive. This means there could be microscopic life in the clouds of Venus.
2 Earth Erde — twin Zwilling — similar ähnlich — to host beherbergen — hospitable to günstig für — to take a turn for the worst sich zum Schlechtesten wenden — though obwohl — Roman römisch — goddess Göttin — conditions Bedingungen — surface Oberfläche — … are anything but … sind alles andere als das
3 unlike anders als — carbon dioxide Kohlendioxid — to contain enthalten — sulfuric acid Schwefelsäure — to average im Durchschnitt betragen — 800 degrees Fahrenheit ca. 427 °C — to melt schmelzen — pressure Druck — to crush zerdrücken — 3,000 ft ca. 914 m
4 to flourish gedeihen — calling card Visitenkarte; h.: Zeichen — actual tatsächlich — sample Probe
5 clue to Hinweis auf — phosphine Phosphan — to be made up of aus etw. bestehen — phosphorous Phosphor- — atop auf — hydrogen Wasserstoff — to be associated with mit etw. in Verbindung gebracht werden — anaerobic anaerob — oxygen Sauerstoff — to survive überleben