Great works of English literature: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Welche Bücher haben die englischsprachige Literatur geprägt? Die Rubrik „Great Works of English Literature“ stellt einige der bekanntesten Werke vor. In diesem Monat wird es abenteurlich: Mit Robert Louis Stevensons Die Schatzinsel begeben wir uns auf eine gefährliche Suche nach einem Schatz – Intrigen und Piraten nicht ausgeschlossen! Wie es ausgeht und was diesen berühmten Abenteuerroman so wichtig macht, lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On und als Auszug hier.
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
More than 140 years later, Jim Hawkins’s battle with pirates still gives young readers a thrill.
By John Bilstein
1 Did you know that Pirates of the Caribbean is partly based on a book published in 1883? It wasn’t just any old pirate story though, but one of the greatest adventure novels of all time: Robert Louis Stevenson’s wild and wonderful Treasure Island, written with expert input from the author’s 12-year-old stepson, Lloyd.
2 The idea for the book started with a treasure map Stevenson had designed to keep his stepson entertained during a rainy holiday in Scotland. As he and Lloyd studied the map, they built an exciting story around it. The resulting novel is mostly narrated by young Jim Hawkins, who goes to sea in search of gold.
3 The whole adventure begins when a retired sailor checks in at the Admiral Benbow Inn run by Jim’s father. Sadly, Jim’s dad dies only three short chapters into the book, which may be a premonition of Stevenson’s own early death at just 44 years of age.
4 Their guest is no ordinary sailor, though, but an old ruffian who later suffers a fatal stroke after a fight with one of his criminal friends. Jim finds a map of an island in the dead man’s sea chest, which contains clues to hidden treasure.
Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.
0–1 Treasure Island dt. Buchtitel: Die Schatzinsel — to give s.o. a thrill jdn. begeistern — Pirates of the Caribbean dt. Titel der Filmreihe: Fluch der Karibik — not just any old … (coll) nicht irgendein(e) … — though jedoch — expert fachkundig — stepson Stiefsohn
2–3 treasure map Schatzkarte — to keep s.o. entertained jdn. beschäftigen — resulting daraus entstanden — to narrate etw. erzählen — retired pensioniert — inn Gasthaus — premonition Vorahnung
4 ruffian Raufbold — fatal tödlich — stroke Schlaganfall — sea chest Seemannskiste — clue Hinweis
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