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What are Peeps?

Wer in den USA „Ostern“ sagt, denkt nicht nur an die Ostereiersuche oder ans farbenfrohe Bemalen hart gekochter Eier, sondern auch an Peeps – bunte Marshmallows in österlichen Formen. Meist sehen sie aus wie Küken, aber es gibt auch Hasen-Peeps und andere Marshmallow-Tierchen. Was es mit dieser Süßigkeit auf sich hat und warum sie auch für Experimente beliebt ist, erfahren Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On. Hier finden Sie einen Auszug aus dem Artikel.


By Jessica Stuart

1                 A 2022 survey says that more than 68 percent of Americans have had their “first experience” with them before they’re 9 years old: squishy, sugar-coated, brightly colored marshmallows usually shaped like baby chickens – but sometimes like other animals, too. They’re called Peeps, and they can often be found in children’s Easter baskets.

                The company Just Born started selling Peeps in 1953. At the time, Peeps had wings, and the little yellow Easter chicks were made mostly of sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin. While the modern Peeps chick no longer has wings (and comes in more colors), the list of ingredients hasn’t changed very much. That seems to be ok with customers: Just Born makes and sells over a billion Peeps each year.

                These days, Peeps come in a lot of different shapes and are sold throughout the entire year, not just at Easter. There are Christmas tree Peeps, ghost Peeps, and even Dr Pepper-flavored Peeps. But Americans mostly think of Easter when they think of Peeps – in a survey, 81 percent said that Peeps remind them of the holiday.

Den kompletten Artikel finden Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.


0–1             survey Umfrage — experience Erlebnis — squishy matschig; h.: weich — sugar-coated zuckerumhüllt — brightly colored farbenfroh — to be shaped like s.th. wie etw. aussehen — basket Körbchen

2–3             wing Flügel — chick Küken — corn syrup Maissirup — ingredient Zutat — billion Milliarde — shape Form — throughout … über … hinweg — entire ganze(r,s) — Dr Pepper amerikan. Erfrischungsgetränk — …-flavored mit … Geschmack — to remind s.o. of s.th. jdn. an etw. erinnern

Foto: Pixabay