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Germans and the American Dream: Baron von Steuben, the man who helped America win independence

In der Reihe „Germans and the American Dream“ stellen wir jeden Monat einen deutschen Auswanderer vor, der sich auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks einen Namen gemacht und den Amerikanischen Traum gelebt hat oder lebt. In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On gehen wir ein ganzes Stück in der Zeit zurück, bis zum Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg, bei dem ein Preuße eine nicht ganz unwichtige Rolle spielte …

Baron von Steuben, the man who helped America win independence

The Prussian military officer whipped American Revolutionary War soldiers into shape.

American English

By Jessica Stuart

1                 Many may know that the U.S. declared independence from England in 1776, but they may not know that independence wasn’t actually won until the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1783.

2                 Even fewer people may know that victory in that famous war had a lot to do with the help of one Prussian immigrant: Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, otherwise known as Baron von Steuben.

3                 Von Steuben was born in 1730 in Magdeburg, which was then a part of the Kingdom of Prussia. He joined the Prussian army when he was around 16 years old, later going on to fight against France and its allies in the Seven Years’ War.

               By the time the war had ended, von Steuben had been injured twice, captured once (by the Russians in 1761), and promoted to the rank of captain. He had also received lessons in the “art of war” at Prussian ruler Frederick the Great’s special school for military officers.

5                 After the war, von Steuben found work in the prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen’s court, where he was given the title of “baron.” The prince eventually ran out of money, though, and von Steuben had to find a new job.

Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Read On.


0–2             to win independence die Unabhängigkeit erlangen — Prussian preußisch — military officer Offizier — to whip s.o. into shape (fig) jdn. auf Vordermann bringen (to whip peitschen) — American Revolutionary War Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg — to declare i. seine Unabhängigkeit erklären — victory Sieg — immigrant Einwanderer(-in) — otherwise known as … auch bekannt als …

3–4             the Kingdom of Prussia das Königreich Preußen — ally Verbündete(r) — Seven Years’ War Siebenjähriger Krieg (1756–1763) — to capture s.o. jdn. gefangen nehmen — Russian Russe(-in) — to promote s.o. to the rank of … jdn. in den Rang eines/-r … befördern — captain Hauptmann — ruler Herrscher(in) — Frederick the Great Friedrich der Große

5               prince Fürst — court Hof — eventually schließlich — s.o. runs out of money jdm. geht das Geld aus — though jedoch

Photo: Pixabay/Prawny