Horoscope for December: Sagittarius
Wer zwischen dem 23. November und 21. Dezember Geburtstag hat, ist im Sternzeichen Schütze geboren. Der Schütze gilt als abenteuerlustig, unabhängig und optimistisch. Welche Eigenschaften für Schütze-Geborene noch charakteristisch sind, erfahren Sie in unserem Dezember-Horoskop in leichtem Englisch!
Your bags haven’t even been unpacked and you’re already looking for your next adventure. Sagittarius is spontaneous, freedom-loving, enthusiastic, and perhaps a bit restless. “No risk, no fun” is your motto – so you take your bow and arrow and you go out into the world. Outspoken and extroverted, you love to talk to anyone about anything. It’s a great way to satisfy your curiosity and learn as much as you can about the world. At the moment you may feel a little constricted because you cannot go out and meet friends so often. But your many friends would love to show you how much they care. Give them the chance this month – invite them all to a video call!
Yuletide tip: Christmas is your favourite holiday and you look forward to showering your friends and family with gifts. You love going around to the shops and picking out presents for everyone. But keep your bank balance in mind! Remember some of the best gifts come without a high price tag. Give friends and family that which they would most like to have from a busy Sagittarian – your time.
Sagittarius Schütze — to unpack auspacken — adventure Abenteuer — spontaneous spontan — freedom-loving freiheitsliebend — enthusiastic begeisterungsfähig — restless rastlos — bow Bogen —arrow Pfeil — outspoken direkt — to satisfy o.’s curiosity seine Neugier stillen — constricted eingeschränkt, eingeengt — how much they care wie gern sie dich haben — Yuletide Weihnachtszeit — to look forward to s.th. sich auf etw. freuen — to shower s.o. with s.th. jdn. mit etw. überschütten — to pick s.th. out etw. aussuchen — to keep s.th. in mind etw. im Hinterkopf behalten — bank balance Kontostand — price tag Preisschild
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